Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Life has treated me very well this past week. I have made some new friends, visited old friends, and have been visited by old friends. The greatness of my week started off in San Diego....actually on the way to San Diego where I got pulled over by a highway patrol officer going 18 miles over the speed limit. As I rolled down the window he asked me if I knew how fast I was going and I preceded to say 85 mph...he then said I clocked you at 83. I told him that I had honestly thought it was still 75 and didn't realize that the limit dropped to 65 though this area (darn Yuma). Anyway, he went back to his car and got his clip board out and wrote on it for a good 15 minutes. My friend I brought on the trip was surprisingly calm through the whole ordeal. He returned to the car and only gave us a warning.....

wahooooo...She thought it was because I have a sticker that says "I support the Arizona Highway Patrol" but I am pretty sure her beautiful smile had something to do with it.

The weekend only got better after that. We made it to San Diego and went to eat at a place right on the beach where we were able to watch the sunset....no green flash though. I was exhausted from waking up early and driving 5 hours so we almost called it an early night that night. Then I found out they do fireworks over Sea World...so we took the car mats out of my car and used them as blankets to lay on the grass and watch the fireworks. Don't worry I just had them cleaned that same day. She thought I was crazy but a boy scout is always prepared. We then went and got her favorite ice cream, Rainbow Sherbert, and sat and shared some ice cream as we watched these crazy roller coaster rides go round and round. I was probably on the biggest sugar high I have ever been on at that point. On the way home we had the music blasting and were singing at the top of our lungs (note to the story...not sure if she was singing too but I definitely was)!!!!

What an eventful night Friday night ended up being. My friend ended up sleeping in the guest bedroom on the soft nice blow up mattress and I had given her the fan so she was able to stay cool during the night (a lot of homes in SD don't have air conditioning in them). I slept on the couch and didn't fall asleep until 2am then woke up again at 3am from being too hot. I had the brilliant idea of opening the sliding glass door to let air in when I then observed a swing/hammock on the back porch....AWESOME!!! I took my sheet and my pillow and wrapped myself in it and curled up in a ball (because I was too tall for it) and fell asleep. It was like camping, soooo much fun.

Saturday was filled with laughs and good memories. We went bike riding on the board walk where I did like 3 wheelies and crashed a couple of times.... We met some really cool people that become our friends, like John the fleet car salesman from Scottsdale or Simon the security guard at the mall who liked my shirt, or Blanca the Latina waitress at CPK (where we ate the best Waldorf salad), or our purposefully unnamed friend with really neet glamour shots to die for. So we were sitting there at CPK and I said, alright I know what I want....then she said I do too. And I said O.K. on 3 let's both say what we want....and we said the exact same thing...it was soooo funny. There are a lot of things on that menu to choose from. After some shopping and being in the sun all day we were both ready for a much needed shower (I had forgotten deodorant....note to self...when with a girl bring deodorant). As we walked in the Jones family home their little girl Susan (almost 2 years old) had my electric toothbrush vibrating in her mouth (ironically enough she was sitting right next to her dad who was on the computer)....I was like "Susan, how did you get my toothbrush"....So I took it from her and she kind of had a face expression like "am I in trouble" she didn't cry but was kind of confused. So I gave it back to her and said "Susan can I please have my tooth brush back.....she then handed it to me. I learned a really good lesson about being a parent with that situation.

I could go on and on about my desire to learn how to be a good dad but I don't know if there is enough space in this blog or if the reader cares to get into that much detail....ANYWAY....

Saturday night we walked around Balboa park. I had really hoped we were going to be able to get into the museum's and art exhibits. I have really developed a love for the arts since I returned from my mission. I guess Spain would do that to you with all the amazing artists that have come from there. After that we had dinner in the Gas lamp district and had some wonderful conversation with some really good friends.

That pretty much sums up the weekend.....I am grateful to Brian and Chantal for letting us stay in their home and play with their 3 wonderfully behaved children. Also I am grateful for my "Convenient (unnamed) friend" who decided to go on this journey with me and get away from the hussel and bussel of our Arizona's life. I couldn't of picked a better travel companion, she is an angel....


Chantal said...

Great post. It was a fun weekend! I have to mention a very funny part you left out...
That Friday night when Ryan was safely asleep on the porch swing Brian woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink from the kitchen as he often does, as he passes family room couch he was started. He noticed Ryan was not on the couch and thought,"Oh man, I hope he is not doing something he will regret!" thinking of the "unnamed guest with a beautiful smile" sleeping safely, in the extra room.
it the morning all was relived when we saw Ryan wrapped in his blanket and pillow outside on the swing.

You and your friend are welcome any time, maybe when its not so hot!
-Chantal & Brian

Susan Jo Ollerton Fuller said...

What a great post, I wish you continued happy times.

Jenny Lynn said...

Awh man, I'm so jealous!! I want to go to Cali and see the beautiful well behaved children. Looks like you and your angel had a blast!